Fast JSON parsing in Go for OpenRTB

The code used for this test can be found here. TL;DR: when looking into overall performance and usability, json-iter is the clear winner. It gives roughly a 4x improvement over encoding/json and 1.2x over the second most performant option. It is also extremely easy to use. You simply need to import it, define a global variable (that you can call json to make it even easier) and then use it like you would use encoding/json....

November 22, 2020 · 9 min · Me

Writing a face detection function for OpenFaaS

There is a new term in town that has been making its way to all of us for a couple of years now: Serverless. When I first heard this I was kind of confused as to what it meant. Everybody seemed to have an opinion about it but there were no real answers. The following definition from serverless-stack helped me clarify a bit: Serverless computing (or serverless for short), is an execution model where the cloud provider is responsible for executing a piece of code by dynamically allocating the resources....

March 16, 2019 · 5 min · Me

Motion tracking turret with Gobot and GoCV - Part 1

The title says it, motion tracking turret using only Go, ready to have some func? This blog post will be divided into three main parts: Motion detection with GoCV, Controlling servo motors with Gobot and Putting it all together. In the first part, we build a lightweight motion detection algorithm that can run on low-power devices such as the RPi. In the second part we will show how to control servo motors with Gobot from the Raspberry Pi and in the last part we’ll explain how to go from detecting an object on an image to telling exactly the angles in which the servos need to move in order to track it....

October 18, 2018 · 12 min · Me