Why I Joined Dagger

When I heard that the founders of Docker were building an amazing team to take another spin to the whole CI/CD space I was intrigued. You see, CI/CD for me was this space where I had just “settled in” and decided it was supposed to suck. I was supposed to just deal with it, adapt to whatever was built, fix whatever issue I was facing (without any kind of testing) and move on....

January 18, 2024 · 3 min · matipan

Exploring Dagger: Streamlining CI/CD Pipelines with Code – A Developer's Guide

This is the second post in a series of blog posts that look at Dagger from different perspectives. In this post we do a deep dive on how to leverage Dagger as a developer that is tasked with implementing the CI process of a Java-Gradle service. In this CI process we need to: build, run end to end tests with external dependencies and package the service. We will leave the CD part for a future blog post that looks at Dagger from the perspective of a Platform Engineer/SRE....

November 19, 2023 · 20 min · matipan

Exploring Dagger: Building a CI/CD pipeline for IaC

Dagger is a new tool that promises to fix the yaml and custom scripts mess that CI/CD currently is by building pipelines as code with one of the supported SDKs. I’m in the process of learning this tool, understanding where it may fall short and where it shines and I decided that sharing some of the exploration I do and the learnings it leaves me with would be useful. This is the first post in a series of blog posts that look at Dagger from different perspectives....

November 13, 2023 · 24 min · matipan